Posts archive for Aug 2023

Is it illegal to play baseball without a glove?

Well folks, I've done some digging around on this quirky question, "Is it illegal to play baseball without a glove?" While it may seem like a defiance of tradition, turns out, there's no actual law that mandates the use of gloves in baseball. Yep, you heard it right. As crazy as it sounds, you could technically play bare-handed if you're brave enough. But let's be honest, unless you've got hands made of steel, it's not the best idea. So, to all the glove-less daredevils out there, while you're perfectly within your legal rights, remember, baseballs aren't exactly marshmallows!

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Why are baseball games so long nowadays?

Man, these baseball games today could give a snail a run for its money! They're longer than a Sunday afternoon nap, huh? The main reasons for the delay are the increasing number of pitching changes, longer commercial breaks, instant replay reviews, and the sheer strategic complexity of the modern game. It's all about the money, baby! But hey, the longer the game, the more hot dogs we can munch on, right?

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